• 广州简称“羊城”,建城两千多年来,广州一直是华南地区政治、经济、军事、文化和科教中心。这里既是广东省省会、国家中心城市,也是国务院定位的国际大都市、国际商贸中心、国际综合交通枢纽、国家综合性门户城市和国家历史文化名城。

  • 广东工业大学是一所以工为主、工理经管文法艺结合、多科性协调发展的省属重点大学、广东省高水平大学重点建设高校。学校本部坐落于中国南方名城广州,拥有大学城、东风路、龙洞、番禺、沙河、揭阳等多个校区,校园占地总面积4200余亩,环境优美。

  • 广东科学中心座落于广州大学城,是广东省实施科教兴粤战略和人才强省战略、提高全民科学文化素养的大型综合性科普场馆。广东科学中心具有科普教育、科技成果展示、国际学术交流和 科普旅游 四大功能,通过吉尼斯世界纪录认证,被授予世界“最大的科技馆/科学中心”称号,是我国绿色建筑代表工程,广东省科技成果展示的重要窗口和广州市的城市名片。

  • 黄埔军校旧址纪念馆,是国内惟一以保护黄埔军校历史文化建筑,展示黄埔军校发展历程为核心内容的纪念馆,入选全国红色旅游经典景区名录。被有关部门授予全国爱国主义教育示范基地,国家国防教育示范基地,海峡两岸交流基地,中国侨联爱国主义教育基地,广东省、市爱国主义教育基地,岭南文化十大名片等。

  • 岭南印象园位于小谷围岛南部临江地段,总占地面积16.5公顷,是体验岭南乡土风情和岭南民俗文化的旅游景区。这里有典型的岭南传统风格建筑群落,民居依水而建,或窄门高屋,或镬耳高墙。悠长的青云巷、古朴的趟栊门、精致的满洲窗,小溪蜿蜒,池塘清澈,处处散发着岭南水乡的韵味。

Best Student Presentation Award

Track 1: Nonlinearity, chaos, fractal theory and models

Name Affiliation Title
Jianchao Liang University of Jinan Observer-based Synchronization of Time-Delay Complex-Variable Chaotic Systems with Complex Parameters
Heng Xiao Anhui University Fractional-order heterogeneous neuron network with HR neuron and FHN neuron based on coupled locally-active memristors and its application
Zedi Zhang Hunan University Multidirectional Associative Memory Neural Network Circuit based on Memristor
Jingmin Pi Sichuan University of Science and Engineering Sensitivity and Transitivity of Non-autonomous Discrete Dynamical Systems Under the Product Operation
Yang Gu Changzhou University Parallel bi-memristor hyperchaotic map with extreme multistability

Track 2: Memristors, chaotic circuit and application

Name Affiliation Title
Hairong Lin Hunan University A Memristive Synapse Control Method to Generate Diversified Multi-Structure Chaotic Attractors
Jiajie Ying Hangzhou Dianzi University Neuromorphic behaviors in VO2 memristor-based circuits
Wei Zhou Hangzhou Dianzi University Edge of Chaos Kernel and memristive neurons
Chengjie Chen Nanjing Normal University Memristive Hopfield neural network with coexisting symmetric behaviors
Zhuguan Chen Changzhou University Memristive cyclic three-neuron-based neural network with chaos and global coexisting attractors
Longxiang Fu Central South University A Memristive Hénon Map Based on the State Variable Difference and Its Analog Circuit Implementation
Jianming Cai Changzhou University Analog/digital multiplier less implementations for nullcline- characteristics-based piecewise linear Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model

Track 3: AI, Complex systems, neural networks and applications

Name Affiliation Title
Zhao Yao Central South University Firing Patterns in a Fractional-order FithzHugh-Nagumo Neuron Model
Xin Chen Guangdong University of Technology A chaotic image encryption method with global dynamic selection
Fan Sun Southwest University Memristor's characteristics: From non-ideal to ideal
Zongwei Tang Henan University A hierarchical protection scheme for intellectual property of semi-open source datasets based on double watermarking
Musha Ji’e Southwest University A Simple Method for Constructing a Family of Hamiltonian Conservative Chaotic Systems

Track 4: Chaotic communications, chaotic cryptography, optics chaos, etc

Name Affiliation Title
Xiaoxin Mao Taiyuan University of Technology Optical chaos communication at 60-Gb/s bit rates over 100-km fiber transmission using semiconductor lasers
Shuangquan Gu Soochow University Phase stability diagram, self-organized structures, and multistability in a free-running VCSEL
Qiang Cai Taiyuan University of Technology Fast physical random bit generation with a photonic integrated chaotic semiconductor laser
Guoqiang Long Henan University Verifiable visually meaningful image encryption based on compressed sensing (CS) and improved game of life (IGOL)
Wenhao Yan Heilongjiang University A Class of Polynomial Chaotic Map With Image Encryption
Meng Xing Northeastern University A High-Resolution Image Encryption Algorithm Using a Dynamic S-box Based on Chaotic Map
Xinhui Zhang Guangdong University of Technology Chaos synchronization of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with common injection of polarization-random light
Mengxuan Zhang Guizhou Normal University Generalized Carrier Index Differential Chaos Shift Keying Based SWIPT with Conversion Noise and Path Loss-Effect
Xueting Zhang Yantai University The Research of Chaotic System Based Four-Wave Mixing